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Rejections from the Illinois Arts Council and The Broome Review Poetry Contest

Peter Slapnicher

You give me $7,000. I give you an upper lip and a forehead.  Two unnumbered rejections today.

Numero Uno: The Illinois Arts Council has chosen not to hand me $7,000, sight unseen, even though I am awesome. That said, there were approximately 6 fewer fellowships and honorary awards given out this year, about a third fewer than last year. I'm not saying one of 'em would've been mine, but chances are slimmer. Just another miraculous move on the part of Rod Blagojevich.

Numero Dos: I did not win $1,000 from The Broome Review for their Stephen Dunn Poetry. I don't know as much about New York governor, David Paterson, but I will get back to you when I find a way to blame him for this loss.