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Rejection 126

Peter Slapnicher

This is what it would look like if Werner lived in the wild and hibernated, but instead he is a domestic hedgehog in a cage in my bedroom with an untreatable case of PTSD. I should know by now: You ask for something, you get it.  Last night I sent out a round of emails checking up on submission from July through September I hadn't heard from.  Sure enough, I received an email today saying that Harp & Altar had put my story in the wrong file, so it was good I checked up.  He read it, and though he liked "some of the writing," he didn't take to it.

Hopefully a few more rejections will roll in, in the next 24 hours or so, for my blogging pleasure.  I have a feeling from looking at websites though, that a few places have been napping for a while now, if they haven't gone into permanent hibernation.

RIP those those don't respond.