Rejection 127
Peter Slapnicher
Another rejection from the Nashville Is Reads Project, unfortunately.
Highlights describing the poems I sent include:
"the device makes it easier to pay attention"
"too serious"
"skeptical of such grandiosity"
"I'm not believing it."
"Poems of such magnanimity require levity or they come off pompous."
Mr. Robinson also says that there are some nice lines and that he liked how the poems inform each other, and then he noted that he saw some of my other poems elsewhere and remains my fan. I feel all confused. I know I'm supposed to say it was nice of him to give such thorough feedback, but in all seriousness, I feel like he called me a phony in about a dozen different ways.
Oh, man. Maybe I am full of it. This is the first really unsettling rejection I've gotten in a while.