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Rejection 290

Jac Jemc



Drunken Boat doesn't want the story I sent them. I received this notification after running two miles without stopping for the first time in a year, so nothing could bring me down. I am an American hero.

One time I saw a lady running barefoot on the streets of Chicago, and I thought, "Weigh the benefits carefully, ma'am."

Rejection 289

Jac Jemc

Nothing wrong with a cookie cutter. Especially when it's a UNICORN.

Nothing wrong with a cookie cutter. Especially when it's a UNICORN.

Prairie Schooner rejected an essay I sent them. It was fun to receive an email from Kwame Dawes even if it was a template!

Rejection 288

Jac Jemc

Are this lady's legs okay?

Are this lady's legs okay?

An essay of mine was rejected from Diagram. I've been trying to crack that Diagram code for years with no luck. It's good for the soul, I suppose!

I was really excited to judge the Heavy Feather Review Fiction Chapbook Contest! I picked an incredible novella called Kiddo as the winner, and today found out the blind sub belonged to Leslie Parry, who has a book coming out from Ecco in May. Can't wait to read more of her work!  You can read more about the contest and winner here.

Rejection 287

Jac Jemc

I got such a nice rejection for an essay of mine from the Missouri Review, and I swear I felt nearly high for hours afterward. They said, "Your work impressed the editorial staff with its strong voice and unique perspective on the undertaking that is Disney. Though not selected for publication, the piece makes us hope we'll see more of your writing in the near future." I love am encouraging rejection, maybe more than an acceptance? It means the piece still might find a home somewhere, but I get a compliment. I try to remember how great this feels when I'm sending out my own encouraging rejections, and that taking an extra minute can really make a person's day.

I was also rejected from a residency in France I applied for, but that seems to be expected.

New Poems at Poor Claudia

Jac Jemc

Pina Bausch's Bluebeard

Pina Bausch's Bluebeard

Poor Claudia invited me to contribute to their 10 Sources series, and I wrote some chain letter poems about skeletons and biographical lace and medication refusal and trail cams and birds falling from the sky and crucifixion and Pina Bausch and Snugglepot & Cuddlepie and the Coral Castle. Enjoy!

Rejections 285 and 286 and a Poetry Book Rejection and a Contest Lost but encouraged

Jac Jemc

Me and WW! Great minds.

Me and WW! Great minds.

Below is a list of recent rejections, and honestly, I felt excited to get each one. A day with a literary rejection is better than no peep out of progress. Here we go: 

Subtropics politely declined my Disney/mortality essay. 

A Public Space politely declined my essay about ambivalence toward New Year's Eve.

Barrelhouse declined my book of poetry with words of encouragement and a request to submit to the journal again. 

I submitted a section of my novel manuscript in progress to the SLS-Disquiet Lit Prize, and did not win, but they said some very kind things: "In fact, our readers thought your entry, "The Grip of It," was simply outstanding. They thought your submission was strange, lovely, fantastic. They said they wanted to read more. They offered a partial scholarship to their program in Lisbon, which would be a total dream come true what with my love of Pessoa, but I don't think I can make it work this time around. Maybe next year!"

That's all for now! Lots of readings/panels/signings coming up at Mission Creek and AWP in the next couple weeks. Look at the Events page for more!

Rejection 284

Jac Jemc

The Dodo: another thing I want but can't have. 

The Dodo: another thing I want but can't have. 

Black Warrior Review turned down a short essay I sent them in a very timely manner. Still in love with them. 

Judging Chapbook Contest!

Jac Jemc

Everything's BETTER when it's carved out of BUTTER.

Everything's BETTER when it's carved out of BUTTER.

I'm super psyched to be judging the Heavy Feather Review Fiction Chapbook Contest! The deadline is 2/15/15 so send me exciting things to read, please!

Thanks to Karen Shimmin and Willy Nast for inviting me to talk about Unsolved Mysteries (and also writing) at the

I snuck in one more Best of 2014 list over at The Weekender.

And I've got a story about mass hysteria up at The Butter thanks to Roxane Gay!

Happy New Year!

Poetry Book Rejection

Jac Jemc



Lovely Sarabande has an incredibly well-worded form letter they send to the inadequate poetry collections. I found it enjoyable to read, despite it's rejection of my submission. 

Doesn't Sarabande just have the loveliest books? I'm very thankful for the amazing work they bring into the world. I can't wait to get my hands on Kerri Howley's THROWN, but there are tons of other favorites of mine include: 

  • Simone Muench's Wolf Centos
  • Kyle Minor's Praying Drunk
  • Jenny Boully's The Book of Beginnings and Endings
  • T Fleischman's Syzygy, Beauty
  • Karyna McGlynn's I Have to Go Back to 1994 and Kill a Girl
  • Jean Valentine's Lucy

Carry on the incredible work, please, Sarabande!