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Rejections 285 and 286 and a Poetry Book Rejection and a Contest Lost but encouraged

Jac Jemc

Me and WW! Great minds.

Me and WW! Great minds.

Below is a list of recent rejections, and honestly, I felt excited to get each one. A day with a literary rejection is better than no peep out of progress. Here we go: 

Subtropics politely declined my Disney/mortality essay. 

A Public Space politely declined my essay about ambivalence toward New Year's Eve.

Barrelhouse declined my book of poetry with words of encouragement and a request to submit to the journal again. 

I submitted a section of my novel manuscript in progress to the SLS-Disquiet Lit Prize, and did not win, but they said some very kind things: "In fact, our readers thought your entry, "The Grip of It," was simply outstanding. They thought your submission was strange, lovely, fantastic. They said they wanted to read more. They offered a partial scholarship to their program in Lisbon, which would be a total dream come true what with my love of Pessoa, but I don't think I can make it work this time around. Maybe next year!"

That's all for now! Lots of readings/panels/signings coming up at Mission Creek and AWP in the next couple weeks. Look at the Events page for more!