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Poetry Book Rejection

Jac Jemc



Lovely Sarabande has an incredibly well-worded form letter they send to the inadequate poetry collections. I found it enjoyable to read, despite it's rejection of my submission. 

Doesn't Sarabande just have the loveliest books? I'm very thankful for the amazing work they bring into the world. I can't wait to get my hands on Kerri Howley's THROWN, but there are tons of other favorites of mine include: 

  • Simone Muench's Wolf Centos
  • Kyle Minor's Praying Drunk
  • Jenny Boully's The Book of Beginnings and Endings
  • T Fleischman's Syzygy, Beauty
  • Karyna McGlynn's I Have to Go Back to 1994 and Kill a Girl
  • Jean Valentine's Lucy

Carry on the incredible work, please, Sarabande!