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New Issue of JMWW Up

Peter Slapnicher

On the tour I got to meet Jen Michalski who is rad.  We met in a trapeze practice studio.  I was under the influence of one of our famous doctored cola bottles so I hope she didn't think I was a crazy too hard. Anyways, the new issue is up here. 

It features work by Jessica Anya Blau, Madison Smartt Bell, Justin Sirois, Leslie F. Miller, Kevin Spaide, Sean Thomas, Jim Coppoc, James Iredell (who I met and hugged in Atlanta!) , Meg E. Pokrass, Rebecca Coffey, Heather Fowler, Jason Kerzinski, J.A. Tyler, Donald Illich, Derick Varn, Gary Lehmann, Ashlie Kauffman, Catherine Harrison and a sort of longish story by me.

Check it out.  There is much to love.

Rejection 176

Peter Slapnicher

Who am I? Good god.  I am back from the insanity that was The Dollar Store Tour.  I am back and my kitchen seemed bigger and my bed seemed better and I forgot how to notice that customers needed help in my bookstore because I've been asked more times today than ever if I worked here, but alas, I am back.  And I don't know how to not be a party girl 24/7 and I don't know how to smell nice and I don't know how to rest or not eat a ton of shit all the time and I don't know how to exist without moving all the time across America and I don't know how to not be constantly accompanied by the most badass posse that ever was, but alas, I am back and trying to figure those things out. I'm back in Chicago.  And while I was gone I got some rejections. 

The first was from Diagram, which was, again, a form letter.

Gah. Fine.

Gone Fishing

Peter Slapnicher

I think this image speaks for itself. As referenced in the previous post, I will not be around for a minute, or two weeks to be exact.  Where will I be? In the greatest van to ever tour the United States of America.  That's right: a handful of writers will be coming to a city near you sometime soon.  Check out the Dollar Store website for dates, locations and times.

See ya soon!

Rejection 175

Peter Slapnicher

Kind of the opposite of this. That's a nice round number on which to take a hiatus, I think.  A story of mine was just rejected from the fancy new magazine, The Collagist.

It seems Mr. Bell's reasoning was that they aren't taking work for the first few issues from Dzanc authors, which, I think, makes perfect sense.  I actually hoped this might be the case when I sent the story, but indeed, I was excited and thought I'd at least try.

Anyways, get pumped.  It seems obvious this journal is gonna rock.

New Issue of Gander Press Review

Peter Slapnicher

Work In Two Online Publications

Peter Slapnicher

A year and ahlf ago I had the pleasure of TAing for a class called "Text Off the Page" at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.  The class features a gallery show at the end of the semester along with a response reading.  We made a book of the work featured in that show that you can look at here. Then, last fall, I was invited to write a response to one of the pieces in the 2008 show, and that whole show, including part of my response, can be found here.

These are really incredible publications representing what were  terrific gallery show/ response nights.  Go flip through the books if you havea minute.  There are lots of gorgeous color photos.  Finally something ultra-browsable to share.

New Blog Post Up at Other Blog

Peter Slapnicher

I'm posting a couple times in June (which is almost over) at the Our Stories Blog.  We're allowed to post about anything literary, and mostly I just ramble a bunch about how things are obviously changing in huge ways, especially in the world of publishing/ writing, and how it makes me nervous and excited, but also fearful of people like this dude I went on a date with who had spear tattoos and didn't understand that he was a living animal and not a robot who could solely function in some other realm.

There are details about this date at the Our Stories Blog.  You should go there.

Also, I should really start a blog about the dates I've been on in the last 4 months.  You would crack up.  If you email me at, I will tell you a story.  I have a minimum of 21 of them.  I will email one date to each person who asks in chronological order.  Srsly.  I don't know what got into me.  I have an addictive personality.  I am saying it aloud.

Rejection 173

Peter Slapnicher

I lied.  I dont have any of those cds. Even if I did download the single of Jellyhead because it reminded me of Junior High Teen Night.  Whoa. So many young-person-awkward social gatherings referenced in this post. You have been warned.  Score!  I am back in the game with Diagram. I got a little personal note from Ander this time saying that he was passing, but not without interest.  He also said I'd sent "interesting poems" and pointed out a line he especially liked.

This night has been salvaged, even after I was run out of what I hoped would be a marathon writing night at the coffee shop by a newly minted "High School Open Mic Night."

And, yup, "SCORE!" is back in my vernacular.  Anyone want to borrow my Jock Jams cds?

Rejection 172

Peter Slapnicher

Top of the list.  I am not even joking. Why do I submit to Zoetrope?  Because the starfucker in me loves the idea that Lou Reed or Guillermo del Tor0 or Mark Mothersbaugh might read my work.

You know...that and the reasons I submit to any other magazine I like.

Anyone know a way to figure out who the next guest-designer is before the issue comes out.  If Christopher Walken was editing an issue and I somehow missed that window, I might not recover.