Rejection 176
Peter Slapnicher
Good god. I am back from the insanity that was The Dollar Store Tour. I am back and my kitchen seemed bigger and my bed seemed better and I forgot how to notice that customers needed help in my bookstore because I've been asked more times today than ever if I worked here, but alas, I am back. And I don't know how to not be a party girl 24/7 and I don't know how to smell nice and I don't know how to rest or not eat a ton of shit all the time and I don't know how to exist without moving all the time across America and I don't know how to not be constantly accompanied by the most badass posse that ever was, but alas, I am back and trying to figure those things out. I'm back in Chicago. And while I was gone I got some rejections.
The first was from Diagram, which was, again, a form letter.
Gah. Fine.