New Blog Post Up at Other Blog
Peter Slapnicher
I'm posting a couple times in June (which is almost over) at the Our Stories Blog. We're allowed to post about anything literary, and mostly I just ramble a bunch about how things are obviously changing in huge ways, especially in the world of publishing/ writing, and how it makes me nervous and excited, but also fearful of people like this dude I went on a date with who had spear tattoos and didn't understand that he was a living animal and not a robot who could solely function in some other realm.
There are details about this date at the Our Stories Blog. You should go there.
Also, I should really start a blog about the dates I've been on in the last 4 months. You would crack up. If you email me at, I will tell you a story. I have a minimum of 21 of them. I will email one date to each person who asks in chronological order. Srsly. I don't know what got into me. I have an addictive personality. I am saying it aloud.