Rejections 251 and 252
Peter Slapnicher
This week I got rejections from:
Upstreet: anonymous.
Noo: A kind not from Mike saying the piece I sent wasn't the right fit, and that the piece made him feel a little drained or scattered as it went on - which seems unsurprising - that's how I was feeling at the time I wrote it. So I'm going to go back and look at that and think about how I can use that feeling in the story but go a little easier on the reader.
I also got a rejection from Small Fires Press that I'd sent for their Matchbox project. I'd already withdrawn the piece about 7 months ago, but it was an encouraging note and I'll send them some new options soon and I can't say how appreciative I am of any feedback I can get, even if it's a bit belated.
Also, remember how AWP happened? Lindsay and I done won that gong show with our nasty rap and made some new friends in the process, who I can never look in the eye again. Also, I saw so many good readings I'm not even gonna bother listing them, and I might have also seen one of my heroes disappoint me with her answer to the question "What's the biggest threat to women writers?" I happen to not agree that it's their own conventionality. That's gross of you to say, hero.
All in all though, I drank too much and laughed way more than is healthy and made new friends and hugged old ones and it was possibly both the best and worst AWP yet. On to the next one.