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Rejection 250 and some upcoming readings

Peter Slapnicher

Avery Magazine didn't want the story I sent them. This is allowed.  I will still say hello at AWP, Avery.

I thought I'd plug some upcoming readings:

Sunday, January 16th: Me, Jacob Knabb, and TJY are kicking off Orange Alert 2011 at the Whistler, 2421 North Milwaukee Avenue.  6 PM. I'ma wear an outfit. Ain't gonna be nothin' like Tim's though, to be certain.  By outfit, I mean a shirt with possible metallic threads, and also, pants of some sort.

Friday, January 21: Moi  reading and Robert Landislas Derr with a video and audio by Ryan Dunn and Joseph Kramer.  We are all going to thinking about and talking about and showing about and sounding off about Edgar Allan Poe in a year long series at Three Walls, 119 N Peoria St # 2D, about Poe and Roald Dahl and Doris Lessing.  Awesome, right?  7 PM-ish.

Saturday, January 22: I'm reading at Ear Eater, 1622 S. Allport St. Apt. #1, at 8PM, as are, either by skype or in the flesh, Sara Drake, Christopher Higgs, James Payne and Natalie Shapero.

Also: at AWP - Lindsay Hunter and I are teaming up to compete in The Literati Gong Show presented by Flatmancrooked, with Dzanc, Featherproof, Hobart, and Barrelhouse.  Thursday, February 3rd (Washington DC AWP). 7-9pm. Loc: Madam's Organ Blues Bar, 2461 18th St NW, Washington DC. It'sa be untoward, to be sure.