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44th Rejection: Semi-Encouraging and Definitely Personal

Peter Slapnicher

On Saturday (yesterday) I received a kind note from Liz Sauer at cream city review.  She said she liked "the abstract form of the story," "Fair Trade: A Fairy Tale," but that it ended too abruptly for her.  I think I might have a problem with ending stories abruptly.  I am trying to make a decision about whether I am committed to abrupt endings or just lazy.  I hate endings in everything especially when the expected ending comes at the expected point.  Am I trying to prevent this by putting an ending where it doesn't belong or do I get tired of working on a piece and abandon it?  Thanks for your input, Ms. Sauer.  Thanks also for all the disclaimer after your comment that you aren't trying to be prescriptive. You actually made me feel like you mean it.  You're the best, Liz Sauer.