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43rd Rejection

Peter Slapnicher

I should now define my definition of rejection: It is only a true rejection if the letter was either impersonal or insulting.  That said, I received a very disappointing rejection card from Black Warrior Review.  They are apparently not interested in my poems, "Contours," "Convictions," or "Relations," which is fine because I feel somehow certain they will find a home.  However, I had a written and extremely specific, complimentary and personal note to Black Warrior Review about how much I enjoy what they've been doing lately.  To receive a card with neither my name or piece titles on it, is disappointing from a journal I thought so highly of.

Perhaps I have been spoiled by Brian Clements at Sentence, who so kindly just wrote a thank you note for my letter itself, before he had a chance to read my submission. 

At least Emily Post is still alive in Mr. Clements' heart.