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Rejection 222!

Peter Slapnicher

Listen people, I'm a third of the way to 666, is all I'm saying... Gosh darn.  Quick Fiction didn't want the two stories I sent them.  I'd actually sent three, but I'd had to withdraw one, which always makes you wonder if that could have been the one.  I guess the stories were under strong consideration, but there was no consensus, which you know, never hurts my feelings.  Some of my favorite things in the world tend to be hated by most. Which, you know, is giving myself a shit ton of credit I don't deserve, but this is how we muddle through, right?  By having massive egos?  Anyone?

Listen, people, I'm a third of the way to 666.  That's all I'm sayin...

New Issue of FRiGG!

Peter Slapnicher

I'm real excited about the new issue of FRiGG that just went up.  It's a longer story for me and little based in truth.  You'll see. Also work from Rachel McKibbens, Alex Niedenthal, Mar Vincenz and other people I like.

...or be square.

Rejection 221

Peter Slapnicher

I had to withdraw 2 of the 4 poems I sent Whiskey Island.  I've talked to people who think that withdrawing whole submissions makes editors want you more.  To these people, I say, "Perhaps you've never been on the editing end.  There are too many submissions to organize your biases in this way."

I do wonder just a little if seeing that two editors had obviously rejected the two poems that were left for Whiskey Island to consider, maybe made the poems slightly less desirable to that magazine.

Also, their rejection letter is super short: "Though your work was not selected for publication, we thank you for submitting."

New Issue of Trnsfr: Whoa, pretty!

Peter Slapnicher

Mmhmm! Have you seen the new issue of Trnsfr? Erm.  It's really great looking and reading.

It has a fancy flap cover.

It is beautifully laid out.

It has work from people I like, well, a whole bunch: Nate Pritts, AD Jameson, Heather Momyer, Shya Scanlon, Kathleen Rooney and Eliza Gabbert. And me.  I like me.

Also, you can get it here.

The Collagist!

Peter Slapnicher

I'm really excited and honored that my story, "The Grifted," is in the current issue of The Collagist. It's the story I like a lot, but no one else did for a long time.  Matt Bell took it though, bless his soul. There's also fantastic fiction from Darby Larson, Trent England, Norman Locke and Kira Henehan.  There's extra poetry in there because of this national month of ours: Tamiko Beyer, Denise Duhamel, Matt Hart, Nate Pritts, Alan Shapiro, Sarah Sweeney and D. Dale Young.

AND non-fiction from Renée E. D’Aoust.

So, you know: beat that...

Mud Luscious

Peter Slapnicher

Great Ooga Booga. The newest installment of Mud Luscious is dedicated to excerpts of forthcoming books, and darned if I just didn't spend all my money at a bookfair, but I want to read all of these guys:

Museum of the Weird - Amelia Gray

Pee on Water - Rachel B. Glaser

We Make Mud - Peter Markus

Asunder - Robert Lopez

American Gymnopedies - Scott Garson

Man's Companions - Joanna Ruocco

Unclean Jobs for Women and Girls - Alissa Nutting

Book - Ken Sparling

Pacazo - Roy Kesey

How Much of Us There Was - Michael Kimball

The Evolutionary Revolution - Lily Hoang

How to Predict the Weather - Aaron Burch

We're Getting On - James Kaelan

Adam Robinson and Other Poems - Adam Robinson

The Rat Veda - James Chapman

Bartleby, the Sportscaster by Ted Pelton

Further Adventures in the Restless Universe by Dawn Raffel

and a little bit from my novel, My Only Wife, forthcoming from Dzanc in 2012.

Nano Fiction

Peter Slapnicher

I met Kirby and Glenn at AWP and they let me take my copy of this home: Nano Fiction Volume 3 Number 2.

You can read fiction inside by a lot of people with faces and bones:

Thisbe Nissen, Ryan Call, Tom Whalen, Kyle Hemmings, S. Craig Renfroe, Jr.,  (new friend) Timothy Willis Sanders, and loads of others that are mostly made of jello and lip gloss and googly eyes.

And me.