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Mud Luscious

Peter Slapnicher

Great Ooga Booga. The newest installment of Mud Luscious is dedicated to excerpts of forthcoming books, and darned if I just didn't spend all my money at a bookfair, but I want to read all of these guys:

Museum of the Weird - Amelia Gray

Pee on Water - Rachel B. Glaser

We Make Mud - Peter Markus

Asunder - Robert Lopez

American Gymnopedies - Scott Garson

Man's Companions - Joanna Ruocco

Unclean Jobs for Women and Girls - Alissa Nutting

Book - Ken Sparling

Pacazo - Roy Kesey

How Much of Us There Was - Michael Kimball

The Evolutionary Revolution - Lily Hoang

How to Predict the Weather - Aaron Burch

We're Getting On - James Kaelan

Adam Robinson and Other Poems - Adam Robinson

The Rat Veda - James Chapman

Bartleby, the Sportscaster by Ted Pelton

Further Adventures in the Restless Universe by Dawn Raffel

and a little bit from my novel, My Only Wife, forthcoming from Dzanc in 2012.