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New Issue of Stone's Throw

Peter Slapnicher

The third issue of Stone's Throw is live.  Check it out.  Check it out. Can you believe this? (I have been trying to figure out what song that's from for days?  Anyone? Anyone?) ANYWAYS,

new poetry from Changming Yuan, E. Louise Beach, Charles Springer, Dorothy DiRenzi, Carol Berg, Howard Good, Dan Ames, Jeff Bernstein, Steve Klepetar, Joe Wilkins, Jack Kristiansen, Sarah Ahmad, Shizue Seigel, Anne Bauer, Marilyn Kallet, BECCA, Barry Spacks, Malaika King Albrecht, Nancy Devine, Fide Erken and David Trame;

new fiction from Kristy Athens, Erin Gadd, Mary Carroll-Hackett, Laurie Ann Doyle, Rick Maloy, T. Burns Gunther, Andrea Jackson, Paul Silverman, Brook Streech, Emmanuel Siguake and moi;

nonfiction from Mary Bess Dunn, Kori Frazier, Natalie Smith, Margaret Rozga, Elaine Jordan and Madelyn Graham;

art by Jean Albus, Kimberly Ruth and Cedric Vanderlinden;

reviews and interviews by Danell Jones, Russell Rowland and Malia Burgess.

Believe it.

Rejection 182

Peter Slapnicher

I live on the third coast I guess.  I dont know if its as tropical as I imagined. Third Coast sent an anonymous rejection letter.  No love.

I wish I were on a third coast right now.  It sounds like an amazing imaginary place.

Oh. Wow.  I just learned that the Great Lakes Region is often referred to as the Third Coast of America.


Baltimore Is Reads

Peter Slapnicher

I've been a lazy lazy bones about posting on this here blog.  So.  Let's play some catch-up. Baltimore Is Reads is up and posted and documented and darn good-looking with work from:

Virgil Brower, Ryan Coffman, Brian Foley, Elizabeth Glixman, Joseph Goosey, Donora Hillard, Prathna Lor, Tom McDade, Viney Loretta Moore, David NeSmith, JA Tyler, Justin C. Witt, and myself.

Rejection 181

Peter Slapnicher

I will write longer stories.  Just to do it. I don't even know if this counts, but I'm counting it because I'm bored.

Peter over at Keyhole sent me a note saying he wasn't even gonna read my story submission because he's only reading stories between 3K and 7K words.  He asked if I had something in that range I could send him, or if I wanted I could send more poetry.

I got this email and I thought, 'OH!  I think I have that one story that's pretty long.  Let's see how many words it is." And then I looked it up and it was like 1200 words.  Ha.  I am incapable of writing long stories right now.  So I sent him more poems instead, because it's okay if poems are short in print anthologies, but stories have to be long.

So, here is my plan to talk myself into writing longer shit:  When I am in Vermont, I'm gonna write 20 pages a day.  I'm gonna try and push out a first draft of a novel manuscript or I'm gonna write 14 crappy 20 page stories and then probably get home and whittle them down to the 2 pages I normally would have written.  Last night, between reminiscing about the tour in a series of bars with Mary, I told her about my plan and she said I couldn't do it, so now, I'm really gonna do it.  She knows how to motivate me.  Admittedly she had good reason to doubt me.  20 pages is more than I've written in the past 2 months. I am ridiculous.

What should I do tonight?  I am already tired of the heat.  It is the 2nd hot summer day in Chicago.  I hacked what little hair I had off of my head today.

Rejection 180

Peter Slapnicher

Yeah, you, Evan. Almost a year ago, I got an email from Evan Lavender-Smith asking if I'd submit something to Puerto del Sol.  I did and after checking in several times, he let me know that that they couldn't come to a consensus on the story I sent.  He asked if I'd send something else and kindly offered to send me a copy of the newest issue if I sent him my address.  Very kind all around.

Rejection 179

Peter Slapnicher

Then God is seven.  Maybe the seventh time will be the charm.

SmokeLong doesn't want another story of mine.  That makes 6.  I wonder if they are secretly annoyed that every time I write a story less than a thousand words now, I send it to them.  Randall is the nicest and has been consistently commenting on weird details of the stories, so that's always a treat.

Maybe I should try to write a story with an actual story-line sometime and send that to them.  This seems impossible right now. 

I have a goal.

Rejection 178

Peter Slapnicher

Mac taking my vacation message personally reminds me of how on the tour someone might say something like, This is beautiful, about an area we were driving through, and Zach would touch his heart and say, as if touched that you thought to compliment him on his handiwork, Thank youuuuuu.  It is not all about you. While away on tour I set up a vacation email response because I knew my chances to respond would few and far between.

I got a rejection from Mac at Lady Jane's Miscellany. He got my vacation note which said this:

"I am in a van with a bunch of other writers right now.

Chances are I won't have the capacity to respond to this before July 17th.

Why don't you call me if it's so important?  I'd probably like to hear from you: 847-828-2366


Mac must have thought that was a personal email, because he sent an email saying this:

"Not a big deal, Jac, just update on things.


It makes me laugh every time I think about Mac getting that vacation email and thinking, "Chill, bitch.  I was just rejecting you."

Rejection Post-Acceptance by Other Magazine, but not Post-Withdrawal (eek!): Rejection 177

Peter Slapnicher

Im comforted by Venn Diagrams. So, for the first time I had a story accepted and I did not immediately withdraw it from the other places I'd sent it, because I didn't think that I could possibly hear about a story from two magazines while I was gone, so I didn't bring my notebook where I keep track of these things.  Yup, in a notebook - not a spreadsheet or a google doc.

So I got an acceptance and then I prayed that whoever else I'd sent the story wouldn't want it for the next week.

And no one did.  But Fringe rejected it. So I think I should maybe count that. So I guess this is Rejection 177. I will not leave my notebook behind for two weeks again.  That put fear in my heart.