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New Issue of Stone's Throw

Peter Slapnicher

The third issue of Stone's Throw is live.  Check it out.  Check it out. Can you believe this? (I have been trying to figure out what song that's from for days?  Anyone? Anyone?) ANYWAYS,

new poetry from Changming Yuan, E. Louise Beach, Charles Springer, Dorothy DiRenzi, Carol Berg, Howard Good, Dan Ames, Jeff Bernstein, Steve Klepetar, Joe Wilkins, Jack Kristiansen, Sarah Ahmad, Shizue Seigel, Anne Bauer, Marilyn Kallet, BECCA, Barry Spacks, Malaika King Albrecht, Nancy Devine, Fide Erken and David Trame;

new fiction from Kristy Athens, Erin Gadd, Mary Carroll-Hackett, Laurie Ann Doyle, Rick Maloy, T. Burns Gunther, Andrea Jackson, Paul Silverman, Brook Streech, Emmanuel Siguake and moi;

nonfiction from Mary Bess Dunn, Kori Frazier, Natalie Smith, Margaret Rozga, Elaine Jordan and Madelyn Graham;

art by Jean Albus, Kimberly Ruth and Cedric Vanderlinden;

reviews and interviews by Danell Jones, Russell Rowland and Malia Burgess.

Believe it.