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New Work Up at Word Riot and in Zoland Poetry

Peter Slapnicher

Despite the detailed advice Sean Lovelace provided me at AWP, I will continue to post when new work of mine is available, cuz, let's make no bones about it, this blog is really just self-deprecation as self-promotion. There's a new story of mine and an audio file of me reading it at Word Riot.

I have a poem in the new volume of Zoland Poetry. I would suggest buying it here if you're interested.

In case this post ruins your image of me as a down-on-her-luck lady-writer who is always lashing herself for her rejections, I will share one little detail of my writing life that is making me nervous:

See the "Forthcoming Work" list of links over to the right there?  I am nervous about how short that list is right now.  I don't know if it's that magazines are catching up with the work they've accepted all of a sudden or if my odds are getting lower, but there's that little bit of fear in my heart.

New Featherproof Mini-Books!

Peter Slapnicher

You need to: A) Go to the Featherproof site.

B) Download the spectacular new mini-books by Chris Bower, Margaret Chapman, Jill Summers and Jac Jemc.

C) Subscribe to their new Paper Egg imprint.  If you are one of the first 250 you will get a free copy of the amazing new flash collection from Amelia Gray, AM/PM. I heard her read from this Friday night and just about died I liked it so much, then proceeded to babble to her about the brilliance of the recurring motif of the John Mayer concert tee.  If you are reading this Amelia, thank you for listening to me babble.

And to everyone else I babbled at over these past few days, I thank you, too.

But enough about my indiscretions, get on over the Featherproof site already.

Rejection 141

Peter Slapnicher

These kids didnt need anyone blogging about them to get on the ball.  Whoa.  Lamest joke ever.  I lost a lot of brain cells at AWP. A while back I read a post on HTML Giant that someone had been waiting over a year for a response to her submission to 42opus.  When I read the post I had silently agreed that they did seem to take their sweet time responding.

I hadn't submitted in a bit though, and so I sent another piece to them and, this rejection came in two months later to the day.

Good job taking the hint and getting on the ball, 42opus.

Rejection 140

Peter Slapnicher

This is what you should be doing at the end of AWP.  Not emailing me rejections.  Got it? That's right: Rejection 140 roles in right before all of the AWP participants come into town.

I doubt I will get any rejections in the next 4 days. If I do, those people are not doing right by their travel time and expenses.  You should be getting drunk and saying stupid things to important people.  I'm pretty sute that is what AWP is about.

140 came from Diagram again.  I am committed if nothing else.

As for the countdown: Tomorrow is AWP, my friends.

Rejection 139

Peter Slapnicher

There was not enough ballast within the excerpt for it to stand alone as a fragmented piece. I received a rejection from Sidebrow today for a project of theirs called "Page 24."  The idea is that you send a real or imagined 24th page of a larger project.  I went a pretty literal route and sent the 24th page of the novel manuscript I have squirreled away and they turned it down, but in just about the nicest way possible.

2 Days Until AWP!

Quickies Reading!

Peter Slapnicher

Best Poster Ever. I realized I hadn't made a post about what is sure to be the best night of the coming week: Thursday!

This is the night the Quickies! AWP Spectacular will occur at 7:30 PM at The Innertown Pub.

I am crazy excited.  I have already peed my pants three times and feel certain this activity will only increase as the event approaches.

The list of people reading is in the poster above.  Yes, that list is for real.  Believe it.  Come out.  I will buy you a whiskey.  (No, I won't.)

Rejection 137

Peter Slapnicher

This is a model of the way my logic works. I lost another poetry contest.  I was not even a runner-up.  I am thinking it might be impossible to win a poetry contest.  Has anyone won a poetry contest?

It was a contest where you send a single poem.  Somehow when I was submitting, I was convinced this would make it more likely for me to win.

Sometimes I wonder what structure of logic I operate under.