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New Featherproof Mini-Books!

Peter Slapnicher

You need to: A) Go to the Featherproof site.

B) Download the spectacular new mini-books by Chris Bower, Margaret Chapman, Jill Summers and Jac Jemc.

C) Subscribe to their new Paper Egg imprint.  If you are one of the first 250 you will get a free copy of the amazing new flash collection from Amelia Gray, AM/PM. I heard her read from this Friday night and just about died I liked it so much, then proceeded to babble to her about the brilliance of the recurring motif of the John Mayer concert tee.  If you are reading this Amelia, thank you for listening to me babble.

And to everyone else I babbled at over these past few days, I thank you, too.

But enough about my indiscretions, get on over the Featherproof site already.