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Interview with ME!

Peter Slapnicher

And many more!
And many more!

I've never been interviewed before, that I can recall, so this is a momentous occasion: 

What to Wear During an Orange Alert has interviewed me about how much I like getting turned down and posted it as a part of their "Reader Meet Author" theme.

Check it out and chances are that you will become addicted, if you haven't already.  This site has become the cultural king of "Heads-Up" for me.

Rejection 95

Peter Slapnicher

Spin it into gold. Redivider just sent an email rejecting some poems I'd submitted. Who the hell cares though?


I'd said a prayer about a week ago promising God I would sacrifice all personal success if Obama could win. Here come the rejection letters.

Rejection 94

Peter Slapnicher

Hope for Change. Whoo, doggy.  Seems like the journals are a-readin' right now.  I just got a rejection back from New Orleans Review for a story I sent 2 weeks ago.  I should have also mentioned that the rejection from Fugue a few entries back came in 12 days and that's not even counting the fact that both of these submissions were snail mail.

I should know better with journals like this.  I just keep hoping they'll change their minds.

Hey, vote today!  You'll feel better.  Duh.

Rejection 93

Peter Slapnicher

No Respect.
No Respect.

 Tonight I went through a bunch of submissions which had been out for a while, writing status queries.  Logging into the submissions system for Drunken Boat, I discovered that my submission had been "declined."  I'm not sure when this occurred, but there you have it: no email, just a status change in the system. 

In the voice of Rodney Dangerfield: No respect, I tell ya.

Rejection 92

Peter Slapnicher

Stop those crocodile tears, Mr. Bear.  I dont believe em for a second. Returning home from writer heaven, I was saddened to find but one rejection in my stack of mail.  A small slip of paper, which had been photocopied many times over, waited for me to say thanks, but no thanks for the opportunity to consider a set of poems I sent to Fugue

Shall we start taking bets on when I'll hit 100 rejections?

Rejection 91

Peter Slapnicher

shake it all up Today I received a kind rejection from Coconut. First of all, they had been nice enough to consider the remaining three of my poems after two of them had been accepted elsewhere. Second of all, Bruce said that it was a painful email to write as my work was clearly publishable, but just didn't fit with the issue as it was coming together. He asked that I keep in touch

Now, there is always a little part which wonders if everyone got such an email, but I can usually convince myself that's not the case.

Thank you, Coconut for your generous policies and words.

Rejection 89

Peter Slapnicher

The kindly Chris, who reads list submissions at McSweeney's Internet Tendency, said my submission was fun but that he was afraid he was going to pass.

He said that in the future, a submission that long should be sent to the regular submissions address.

But it was a list. A list with long entries, but a list nonetheless.

I think there's a name for situations like these.

Rejection 88: Fast and Big

Peter Slapnicher

the ultimate big & fast
the ultimate big & fast

I am a fan of projects which are completed quickly and produce big results.  Today I learned I appreciate a rejection which works the same way. 

Tin House rejected a story I sent them about a month and a half ago which I think is pretty darn quick especially for a magazine that big and fancy.  So there's the fast and big part. 

I don't mind so much though.  This way I can't delude myself that they passed it among themselves before rejecting it.  I don't feel led on. 

Unlike Fence who hasn't responded to a submission I made just shy of a year ago.  That was 2007, people.  2007.  This blog wasn't even born yet.

Time to catch up on that old work load. 

Just sayin.'