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Rejection 88: Fast and Big

Peter Slapnicher

the ultimate big & fast
the ultimate big & fast

I am a fan of projects which are completed quickly and produce big results.  Today I learned I appreciate a rejection which works the same way. 

Tin House rejected a story I sent them about a month and a half ago which I think is pretty darn quick especially for a magazine that big and fancy.  So there's the fast and big part. 

I don't mind so much though.  This way I can't delude myself that they passed it among themselves before rejecting it.  I don't feel led on. 

Unlike Fence who hasn't responded to a submission I made just shy of a year ago.  That was 2007, people.  2007.  This blog wasn't even born yet.

Time to catch up on that old work load. 

Just sayin.'