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81: My Own Fault

Peter Slapnicher

Night Train has rejected my poem, "Swum."  They have not yet rejected the other 4 poems I sent them, and I believe what might have happened was that I accidentally sent them this poem as a piece of fiction.  I think I checked the wrong box in their online submission manager.  While I am a proponent of trying to shed all those poetry/ prose boundaries.  These are perhaps the poemiest poems I've ever written and I can see why the reader rejected it as a fiction. 

Whoops. Time to go on a little night train of my own.

Octogenarian Rejection

Peter Slapnicher

Now theres a fish I dont care to meet.
Now there's a fish I don't care to meet.

Wondering where I've been?  No?  Well then, I guess this is a little more one-sided than I thought. 

If you have been wondering where I've been, here's the answer: checking my computer every five minutes for rejections and none have arrived - until today, that is, when one showed up in the postal mail from Noon.  Although they didn't really encourage me it was nice that they put in "Jac Jemc, Thanks for sending "Half." at the top of the form letter.

I guess I'm not ready to swim with fish that big.

The Saga of Matt and Jac Ends?

Peter Slapnicher

Ever notice how much a funnel cake looks like a fried brain from the right angle?
Ever notice how much a funnel cake looks like a fried brain from the right angle?

I have good and bad news today:

The good: Thieves Jargon has finally accepted one of my stories.

The bad: The enjoyable rejections from Matt DiGangi will end. 

Sunday, Mr. DiGangi sent me an email saying he hated how professional we'd become, but that he'd hate if we became unprofessional.  Then he said I fried his brain and that he wouldn't be able to sleep if he didn't take the latest story I'd sent him.

Goal accomplished (especially on the frying of brains part). 

Well, if you're an editor and you've happened upon this blog and you'd like to reject someone several times for the fun of it, let me know.  I'm looking for a rebound.

Rejection #79

Peter Slapnicher

No, thanks.
No, thanks.

Past Simple has rejected the last flash fiction piece in my submission, after I had to withdraw two of three for being accepted elsewhere.  I think Jim's issues look best when people's writing is published in pairs, so I am alright with this and will try again soon.

Just goes to show: one person's treasure is often another's...

78: The Sky Has Fallen

Peter Slapnicher

Sorry about that cheesy header.  Tarpaulin Sky sent me a rather impersonal rejection which hurts only because they accepted a book review I wrote for them earlier this year.  I hoped the published review would at least earn me a personal rejection.  Alas, these things are not that predictable though.

77: That was a close one

Peter Slapnicher

nuf said
'nuf said

Today I received an encouraging rejection from Rhino, but it's okay because earlier in the day I had 3 of those 5 poems accepted by Zafusy. I had already written a withdrawal email to Rhino, and then I had to write them telling them that I had gotten the rejection, and to disregard my previous email.

I wonder if they got the email and thought it was a "You're not breaking up with me! I'm breaking up with you!" kind of letter.

Am I the only one that thinks about work in terms of romantic relationships?  Let's hope so.

No Colony: Available Now

Peter Slapnicher

The awesome new magazine, No Colony, is out and available for purchase here.  It contains the work of the following remarkable individuals: Nick Antosca          Daniel Bailey         Jesse Ball         Ken Baumann
Matt Bell            Ryan Call             Jimmy Chen           Kim Chinquee
Giancarlo DiTrapano        Brian Evenson         Brandon Scott Gorrell
Jac Jemc       Shane Jones        Sean Kilpatrick         Michael Kimball
Tao Lin          Robert Lopez          Josh Maday              Miranda Mellis
Sam Pink      Matthew Simmons            Justin Taylor           J.A. Tyler
Brandi Wells     Derek White     John Dermot Woods     Mike Young


Peter Slapnicher

Whoa.  I just received the most in-depth rejection I've ever seen from Segue.  I don't mean to be unappreciative because I'm honored that Eric took the time to write such a thorough explanation of why my essay was not right for them.  He took great care in illuminating all the different changes I could make so that it would be right for them.

I've decided I don't want to spend my time fixing it up Segue style.  I'm pretty happy with it as it now stands and it seems they'd prefer I made it into a more academic essay or try to transform it into some magical fiction.  No, thanks.  I got other work to do.  This was fun though. 

It's 520 original words!  I just plugged it into Word and that's what it told me!  I'm pretty sure the rejection was longer than the submission.  Awesome.  New unknown goal accomplished.