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The Saga of Matt and Jac Ends?

Peter Slapnicher

Ever notice how much a funnel cake looks like a fried brain from the right angle?
Ever notice how much a funnel cake looks like a fried brain from the right angle?

I have good and bad news today:

The good: Thieves Jargon has finally accepted one of my stories.

The bad: The enjoyable rejections from Matt DiGangi will end. 

Sunday, Mr. DiGangi sent me an email saying he hated how professional we'd become, but that he'd hate if we became unprofessional.  Then he said I fried his brain and that he wouldn't be able to sleep if he didn't take the latest story I'd sent him.

Goal accomplished (especially on the frying of brains part). 

Well, if you're an editor and you've happened upon this blog and you'd like to reject someone several times for the fun of it, let me know.  I'm looking for a rebound.