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Residency Acceptance and Waitlist!

Jac Jemc

I visited a psychic who told me, as a Gemini, I was actually more like 4 or 5 people. Happy Halloween!

I visited a psychic who told me, as a Gemini, I was actually more like 4 or 5 people. Happy Halloween!

I confirmed today that I'll be spending the month of April (post-AWP) the Hambidge Center in the Blue Mountains near Rabun, Georgia. It's much smaller than the VSC - I believe there are only 9 people there at a time, but bigger than the other residency I'll be attending in February, Thicket, in which I think I might be the only resident on a farm in the lowlands of Georgia. (Yes, both residencies are in Georgia. When I realized this, I thought, "Well, that will be confusing to explain to people," and felt like it somehow injured my credibility. Such are my neuroses.) 

I was also waitlisted for the Kimmel Harding Nelson Center. 

Also, last night I shared a boat of sushi with Tom McCarthy, Azareen Van der Vliet Oloomi, and Elizabeth Evans, as well as the company of Steve Tomasula and Matt Wilkens, at an Asian fusion restaurant decorated with every shade of flashing rope lights. It was an entirely enjoyable evening. 

Happy Halloween!