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A Fellowship Rejection and some nice press for A Different Bed Every Time

Jac Jemc

But I do also want your money.

But I do also want your money.

The Illinois Arts Council reinstated their individual artist fellowships this year and the lucky recipients get $15,000 to do what they will. I received an email this week letting me know I would not be one of those recipients. They posted that they were reopening grant submissions 2 weeks before the deadline, so there wasn't much time to pull things together, but I'm glad I tried! This just means that MacArthur is that much closer right? HAHAHA.

BUT, there's a nice little interview with Dzanc authors over at Prick of the Spindle here: Writer Round-Up. 

And The Millions was kind enough to feature A Different Bed Every Time on its Most Anticipated: The Great Second-Half 2014 Book Preview
