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Paula Anderson Book Award and Story in Bodega!

Jac Jemc

Fun news all around. My Only Wife  is the proud recipient of the Paula Anderson Book Award. The Paula Anderson Book Award is be granted to the author of a work of literary fiction, either a novel or short story collection, that was published by a small or independent press in 2012. The award honors work which embodies the bold spirit of Paula Anderson the late co-founder of Word Riot Press and has increased awareness of or otherwise drawn attention to the small press community because of the merit of the work. So many thanks to Jackie Corley for choosing it and to the kindly gentlemen at Dzanc for nominating it. 

I also have a new story up at Bodega, alongside an interview with Colum McCann and new work from C Dylan Bassett, John Gibbs, and Quinn White. 

And finally, likely the best rejection I'll every receive, My Only Wife  was not chosen as the 2013 winner of the PEN/Robert W Bingham Prize for debut fiction. Sergio de la Pava's magnificent novel, A Naked Singularity , was named the winner, and I don't think it there could be a better pick for the PEN Foundation, what with it's focus on human rights.