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So Much.

Peter Slapnicher

There is so much to catch up on. I have been so lazy in posting the amazing generosities bestowed on me in the last 2 months.  So here goes, the whirlwind of announcements.

Word Play Sound posted an audio recording of me reading from My Only Wife (MOW).

Poets & Writers kindly asked me to say some short words about where I get inspiration.

Largehearted Boy invited me to make a soundtrack for MOW.

The OF Blog rounded up a ten-best of the year so far, and I am thrilled to be on it.

Jarret Middleton over at Smalldoggies said some really nice things about MOW.

Jess Stoner read her marginalia from reading MOW out loud for all to hear.  Her voice is one of my favorite sounds, I think. And her book, I Have Blinded Myself Writing This is one of my very favorite recent reads.

I made it onto Nano Fiction's summer reading list.

The gorgeous Shelf Unbound excerpted MOW in a little feature on marriage in fiction, what with it being June and wedding season and whatnot. Flip to page 32/33!

Books, Personally reviewed MOW.

The L Magazine had some questions for me.

I read with incredible people in tons of cities and am so grateful to everyone who hosted me.  I turned 29. I moved into a new apartment and started writing in the mornings before work and I'm feeling great about that, even if it means I go to bed at 10 or 11 PM now.  (Gross, I think I got old.) Summer is in full swing.  This Fiona Apple album is really doing it for me.  Tomorrow is the day of independence and I will celebrate with chicken and waffles and the public pool and maybe going to see some rogue fireworks.