My Only Wife Released from Dzanc Books!
Peter Slapnicher
My debut novel, My Only Wife, is released today from Dzanc Books!
Some of you have asked where/how to buy it, and I think you should do what pleases you, but below is the hierarchy of how I would buy this book if I were excited about it, but hadn't written it:
1) If I lived in or around Chicago I'd buy it at the release party on May 6th at 8 pm at The Whistler, 2421 North Milwaukee Avenue. Women & Children First will be selling copies at the party.
2) If I lived in or around one of the following cities and was free on the relevant night, I'd buy it from the author at the reading (more details to come):
May 12: Baltimore
May 14: New York
May 16: Boston
May 17: Providence
May 18: Philadelphia
May 19: New York
June 10: Seattle
June 12 & 13: Portland
June 17: Los Angeles
3) If I lived in a place with a local bookstore, I'd go there to see if they had it. If they didn't have it, I'd ask them to order it for me, and consider ordering it for the store.
4) If I wanted it super quick I'd order the paper copy now from Dzanc Books for $15.95, and you'll get a free eBook. Or you can order just the eBook for $7.99.
5) There are other bookstores and websites where it will also be available, but with so many other options, why bother?