Good News!
Peter Slapnicher
I don't usually post for an acceptance, but this is an unusual story, so I will.
I tried my hand at writing an essay and it was about luck and Hobart had a luck-themed issue approaching and the timing was perfect. I don't write essays, I rarely write toward themed issues.
Aaron at Hobart said the piece wasn't quite right, and that it felt more like notes toward an essay than an essay, and I agreed, but it was the first time I'd really written an essay for the fun of it, so that was that. I would do better next time.
I changed a few things in the essay and submitted it a couple other places, but they didn't like it either.
This weekend Aaron emailed to say that he and Elizabeth had reread the piece and wanted to take it after all.
So that's the story of the rejection that got un-rejected and how it was the first essay I've written and how I'm so excited to finally have a piece in Hobart and how that made a day that was already pretty good because I'd been uber-productive. There you have it.