Press Rejection
Peter Slapnicher
I was totally honored when JA at MLP said they'd be happy to look at anything I might have that would fit their new Nephew imprint. Unfortunately, I had a feeling the thing I had that fit their word count range was not right for the project. I reworked it a little bit, before sending it their way, but in the end, my instincts were right, and JA respectfully declined.
The thing I sent is weird little collection of disembodied quotes from a fake interview. I've been playing with it for a while now - a few years - and I can't figure it out yet, but someday I will.
That said, there are only 75 copies left of the first book in the Nephew series, and I think you'll regret it if you don't order it. The snippets I've gotten my eyes on are pretty spectacular. So go on. Get.