Quickies Fundraiser: TUESDAY OCTOBER 13!
Peter Slapnicher
I have to leave for the Scorch Atlas Release Part in 5 minutes, which you already know about, I'm sure, and hopefully I will see you at No Coast at 7PM,
really I'm writing to remind you that Quickies is tomorrow at 7:30 at the Innertown and the the readers are get-out-of-here awesome.
First of all there will be something of a Dollar Store Summer Tour reunion with Aaron Burch, Blake Butler, Zach Dodson, Amelia Gray, Jac
Jemc, Caroline Picard, and hosts Mary Hamilton and Lindsay Hunter,
Elizabeth Wylder, Ben Tanzer, Kate Duva, Aaron Plasek,
Casey Bye, Tim Racine, and Richard Thomas.
I know. Get there.
1935 W. Thomas, Chicago