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Little White Poetry Journal 7 Available for Order!

Peter Slapnicher

Pretty new copies of the 7th issue of Little White Poetry Journal are finally available for order.  I had the pleasure of guest-editing.  Jen Patel did design.  Henry Chalise is missing.

Heart-stopping new poems from: Cinthia Ritchie, Devin King, Laura Goldstein, Patrick Leonard, Jason Bredle, Kathleen Rooney, Joseph Aguilar, John Madera, Christopher Higgs, Erin Teegarden, Nicolette Bond, Megan Thoma, diego baez & Shome Dasgupta.

I will write you a personal letter and include it in the package if you order one.  Maybe I will even draw you a picture of a monster who won't shut up. 

Doooooooo iiiiiiiiit.  I want to write you love notes. I'm waiting for you to ask.