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Residency Rejection

Peter Slapnicher

For instance, this guy would be perfect.  We could smoke our pipes together and have pillow fights when no one was looking. I received a rejection in the mail from the Fine Arts Work Center in Provincetown.  For some reason, I am quite convinced that it must be the happiest place on earth.  7 months seems like some sort of golden amount of time to me.  I could take that time off from my regular life without too many repercussions. I could get to know the other artists, without getting too annoyed with them yet.  I could live in a different city and comfortably be away from family and friends for about that long.  I could fulfill my dream of one day living in a seaside town and befriending a fisherman.

Alas, this is not to be for the upcoming year.  Congrats to the lucky utopians who'll get to live my Mystic-Pizza-type dream residency life.