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Rejections 155 & 156, as well as a my first Post-Withdrawal Acceptance

Peter Slapnicher

What did I miss? Hello there.  I am back from internet vacation.  I got some good work done.  I got a couple rejections.  I got a piece accepted that I'd withdrawn. I got rained on a bunch. I got a little sanity back.

The first rejection was from Copper Nickel, whom I lo-o-o-o-o-ve.  It was the first personal-ish rejection I got from them.  So that's cool.

The second rejection was from Stones Throw.  Tami said she enjoyed reading the poems I sent, but had to say no.  Okey-doke.

The acceptance was from Anemone Sidecar and they were very gracious when I reminded them that I'd already withdrawn that piece, asking me to send more work for the next issue.

All in all, not too much happens when you're MIA.  I recommend such a hiatus to all.  It was sort of great to only be alive one way for a minute. No I am back to my many-faced self.