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New Issue of Bird Dog Available Now!

Peter Slapnicher

In the land of the literary, where every title is remarkable and superb, Bird Dog remains one of my favorite names.  Luckily the work in Issue 10 is pretty darn great, too. New work from the likes of:

C. S. Carrier Christopher DeWeese Emily Kendal Frey Anna Fulford Anne Gorrick Jac Jemc Grant Jenkins Meghan McNealy Sara Michas-Martin Cheryl Pallant Nicole Pollentier Sarah Rosenthal Linda Russo Andrew Sage Brandon Shimoda Maureen Thorson Emily Toder Laura Madeline Wiseman David Wolach An interview with Juliana Spahr by Sarah Rosenthal Art from Nathan Cordero, Lauren DiCioccio, Vanessa Woods & Cover Art by Larry Bob Phillips

Go here to order a copy of this wunderorange.

(I made up that word.)