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Rejection 134

Peter Slapnicher

Anyone will do. Junot Diaz did not want the story I sent The Boston Review. No, he didn't write me a personal rejection, but wouldn't that be the greatest? Well, maybe not the greatest, but pretty darn cool.

A select list of people it would be greater to get an email from:

Christopher Walken, Amy Hempel, David Markson, George Saunders, Rachel Price, David Gordon Green, Thom Yorke, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Barack Obama, Matt DiGangi, Dolly Parton, Marcel Proust, Jenny Holzer, Bret Michaels, James Gandolfini, Tina Fey, Bronson Pinchot.

Yup, I'm naming names. Tomorrow I will wish I listed a dozen other people instead.

And, yes, I know Marcel Proust is dead.