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And the Winner is...

Peter Slapnicher

How Some People Like Their Eggs Sean Lovelace. I am quite happy to announce that the winner of the Rose Metal Press Chapbook Contest, for which I was one of five finalists, is the dear Sean Lovelace. I won't say he is the only person I am happy to lose to, but he is one of a very small number I am glad to celebrate in place of myself.

Congratulations, Sean! Keep an eye on their website for when it goes on sale: Rose Metal Press. You know it's gonna be good.

Addendum to Post:

I was a little excited, and failed to explain that the title of Sean's chapbook is How Some People Like Their Eggs, which would sort of explain the picture above.

Also, I want to take a second to acknowledge all of the other finalists:

Aaron Burch for Birthmarks Stefanie Freele for Breathing Oysters Molly Gaudry for Come See the Monkey & Other Stories Moi for This Stranger She'd Invited In Erika Mikkalo for 26 Letters

And semi-finalists:

Lisa Buchanan for Artifacts from the American Century Dawn Corrigan for Under the Power Lines Roseanne Griffeth for Getting There Eventually Tiff Holland for Straight Out of the Can Kate McCorkle for The Last Parakeet and Other Stories