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Something New is Happening @ HeyShortyComeToMyKegPartyDouglasIsInABadMoodThereAreNachosRINGRINGRINGRINGRINGRINGRINGBANANAPHONEPenguinsOnWingsOfAirplanesEatingCloudsILove$

Peter Slapnicher

OMG The full title of this new wunderkind is HeyShortyComeToMyKegPartyDouglasIsInABadMoodThereAreNachos



Its title kind of f'ed up this blog and my resume.

I don't think I really understand what it is, but I sure do like it. 16 word "stories" at a Twitter/blog/ mag thing. There are lots of stories about Rufio from Hook right now. Go here. You'll have fun. Promise.