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Orange Alert Reading Series Alert

Peter Slapnicher

This is an orange dude who likes to fence, apparently. Hey, I am not forgetting to announce this reading, but I am doing it early:

Come hang out with me on Monday, December 15th. I will read some things and you can listen, but that's not the best part: Other people will read better things than I am capable of writing. Those other people are:
Amy Guth
Mary Hamilton
Tim Hall (I almost wrote Tum Hall, which I like a whole lot. I think I will ask Tim if I can call him that when I meet him)
This is all a part of the second installment of The Orange Alert Reading Series. The first one was awesome, so the sequel should be just as good, right? The reading will take place at The Whistler, located at 2421 N Milwaukee. Last time it 'started' at 7, but didn't actually start until more like 7:30/7:45-ish. I'm assuming the timing will be similar for this edition as well. Go here for more information: Orange Alert Press.