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Rejection 100!!!!!

Peter Slapnicher

what a mess Well, friends, today I reached two milestones: Not only did I receive my 100th rejection letter, but today was also the first day in which I received 3 rejections in a 24 hour period. Who knows? Maybe there will be even more.

A finely printed notification arrived today on quality card stock from The Antioch Review. Aside from the envelope also containing the first page of the story I sent them, it in no way otherwise indicates that anyone at AR is aware that I exist as a human being. Normally, I would not really care all that much. Journals in this class call up images of yachting jackets and boat shoes in my mind. I know, somewhere in my heart of hearts, it is unlikely I will ever find a home there. The Antioch Review, though, houses the Jackie O. to my Edie Beale (though we are not blood-related): Amy Hempel.

If I'm the messy writer with the sweater tied on her head, then Ms. Hempel is the one who knows and follows Coco Chanel's rule to take off one unnecessary item before leaving the house. I love her for all that I am not, and, today, the feeling, it turns out, is not mutual.