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Rejection 97

Peter Slapnicher

Toot Toot!
Toot Toot!

I've mostly given up on trying to get onto Eyeshot, but every once in a while I think I've written something that Mr. Klein might like and send it over, figuring that, at worst, I'll get a creatively insulting rejection. Such a thing happened today, when I received a rejection for my story, "Let Me Be Your Tugboat King."

Mr. Klein directed me to a song called, "Tugboat," by Galaxie 500, and said that while my story didn't do much for him, it did remind him of this song and he hoped I would become a big fan.

Based on the lyrics, Galaxie 500 and I have similar feelings about the merits of being in charge of  tugboats. Strange. I did not know this existed. I cannot wait to get to a computer with speakers so that I might hear if their rhythms match the ones in my head.