Smily 75
Peter Slapnicher
Today I remembered why sometimes it is worth it to write status query letters. The kindly Stephen at Canteen apologized for neglecting to email me. Here's what he had to say:
"Sadly, your submission, judged by our entirely subjective and whimsical standards, fell into the category of the 5% of submissions we liked but couldn't quite find room for. It's well written, entirely up our thematic alley, but our space is terribly limited."
Then he offered to send me a copy of the new issue which comes out this week(good timing). This Stephen fella is one nice guy, I tell yah. If I ever had a life-threatening disease, I want the doctor to play telephone through Stephen to me.
Anyways, you should check out Canteen. I usually don't link to magazines that reject me, but Stephen was so generous, I think I might have caught the bug: Canteen.