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Peter Slapnicher

make it stop
make it stop

OK, I think I might have a problem.  I haven't received an actual rejection in about a week and I'm really ready for one.  I saw they posted the finalists for a contest on Opium's site, and I'm not one of them, so I guess that could be a technical rejection #72, but they said they might still accept some of the stories that aren't finalists, so I don't get that feeling of satisfaction that another piece has been through the mill. I think I have an addiction.

Also, I just listened to Ruth Reichl's Garlic and Sapphires on cd in anticipation of a fancy dinner with friends, and in an interview at the end of the cd, she talks about how she hates writing but loves having written and I can't agree more.  There's nothing harder than sitting down to do the work, but when good work gets done I'm pretty sure that nothing is as satisfying.  That said, I wrote a story today that makes me happy to have sat down.

Just wanted to say something to this blog even if no magazines are speaking to me.