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Rejections 46 & 47

Peter Slapnicher

My 46th and 47th rejections were received yesterday.  Andrea from Parcel informed me that she enjoyed reading my submission, but doesn't think it's right for the next issue. The piece I had submitted to her was my long poem, "mourning parade."  I was taking a chance.  I sent her the LONG format which is 19 pages and involves dreaded white space.  I have some high hopes for "mourning parade," in one format or the other.  It's just been transformed and I hope it might be better received in its new square shape.  It's been with me for 2 1/2 years now and I think the poetry is fine.  It just doesn't know how to live on the page.


The second (or 47th) rejection came from John Wang at Juked.  I am not surprised by this one.  I have heard Juked is a big old reject-or collector, but I do so love it that I had to try.  Poor "Saveliy Kramarov" was the recipient of this rejection which means he must brave the woods and wolves to travel on to the next village.  Good luck, Saveliy!

olde funeral procession