Rejected for 2 Residencies, Magazine Rejection 327 and 1 Story Published
Jac Jemc
My home for the next 19 days!
Let's reverse that heading!
My story, "Gladness or Joy," was published in the newest issue of Puerto del Sol along one million people I love and admire including, but not limited to: Sara June Woods, Brandi Wells, Dan Beachy-Quick, Matthew Salesses, Ravi Mangla, Kim Yideum, JiYoon Lee, Don Mee Choi, Johannes Goransson, Brooks Sterritt, and Anne Valente. Killer. Monster. Call it what you will.
But, I also learned that I did not receive residencies from Brush Creek or Norton Island and that the Southwest Review doesn't want the story I sent them.
This all seems fine, considering i have been home for only a few weeks of 2016 so far. In fact, today, I started my residency at the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts and it is swanky! So happy to be here!