Rejections 340 and 341, an Acceptance and a BOOK COVER!
Jac Jemc
I love it so much.
This week I got no's from Subtropics and Copper Nickel. The Subtropics note is a little oddly worded, in my opinion, saying that my story "isn't going to be a go" for them, but that informality made me think it was a personal note? It's probably not, but if that's their strategy, it worked!
However! I did get a note from Paul Lisicky (!!!) at StoryQuarterly that they were accepting my story, "Half Dollar," for publication in January/February. StoryQuarterly has such a rich history and I love its Illinois roots, and to receive a note from Paul Lisicky: all of this was pretty dreamy. I'm so happy someone liked what I think of as my take on a Shirley Jackson story.
Finally, I can share my cover for The Grip of It, out in August 2017 from Farrar, Straus & Giroux. Such a dream. I couldn't be happier with the cover and am so grateful to Alex Merto for the stellar design.