Rejection 281
Jac Jemc
Like a bear waking up from winter, I'm expelling the pinecones, hair and bark I swallowed to stop me up while I was working on that novel, and submitting again. Pleasant, no?
The last time I named a post with a rejection number it was 280, so we'll go from there. I think that remains accurate. Typically my method had been not to count rejections from contests or book-length submissions or applications to residencies or other special programming in that overall count. I track all of that separately. It was only submissions to magazines that counted.
Do you wanna know how long it's been since Rejection 280? Over 2 years. That's nutty, right?
Around that time I was starting work on this novel and I knew it would be a while before I sent submissions out again. Truth be told, there was some shorter work written in that time, but I had the good fortune to be solicited by a number of magazines, so the shorter work went to those kind people.
Anyway, #281 was from The American Reader, one of my favorite magazines right now. I feel a-okay about getting rejected by them. They are the tiptop for me, so I'm thankful they took the time to read my story, and the turnaround was under 24 hours, so that was painless. They didn't see a fit and set me on my merry way.
Going to send this little guy to a couple other places and might just keep stacking up these rejection numbers rather quickly! Stay tuned! Feels good to be back in the game.