New Story at Fanzine! Residency!
Jac Jemc
And whatnot.
I love what's going on over at Fanzine and I'm excited to have a story about bingo up over there: Bulls-eye.
I'm also way excited that I'll be spending my second (though non-consecutive) February in Vermont at the Vermont Studio Center.
I'm going to share this, and hope I don't jinx anything, but guys: I am more excited about writing than I have ever been. I feel like I have a million projects I want to work on and I am so incredibly thrilled to have the time to work on them. You probably think I am either a) blowing smoke or b) always like this, but I AM NOT. I usually hate writing, and drag my feet when trying to finish a project or have no idea where the next one will come from, and I am the opposite of all these things right now. I don't care how hokey all of this sounds. It feel rully good.