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Rejection 278

Peter Slapnicher

Marian at American Short Fiction  is a treasure, and asked me to submit.  I sent her the one story I have right now, and it wasn't her cup of tea.  I don't have any other stories right now, because I am working on something longer, and just trying to add it all up.  I should try to write something short to give myself a break and then sent it to Marian.  I might do that this week.


And with that, I'm pretty sure I only have one lonely submission out right now, to Octopus, and I think that might have been sent to them when I misunderstood their submission guidelines, so who knows if that even counts?  I feel okay about this. Also, I got an Illinois Arts Council Professional Development Grant, so that's encouraging, while I work on this new, big thing.

Also, I'm reading web submissions for Hobart for the rest of December, so send work over there, puh-lease.