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Rejection 161

Peter Slapnicher

My Kind of Outdoorsy Look out, Matt DiGangi.  I have a new editor crush: Randall Brown.

Smokelong has rejected me again, but this time with this charming note:

"We appreciate your continuing to think of us for your work, Jac. This one felt as if there weren't quite enough things happening. Great title and, of course, the poetics and prosody of your writing are marvelous. If you post this on your website, be sure to mention the compassionate, caring tone of the editor, whom you imagine as a very handsome and muscular outdoorsy type of guy."

Randall Brown, based on your Facebook page, I believe you are married.  Unless this is like the time I listed myself as married to my hedgehog, Werner.  Don't get me in trouble. 

Also, outdoorsy is not really my type.  The extent of my outdoorsiness is riding my bike to a bar with a patio.